
/ News / How To Organize Kitchen Appliances?
How To Organize Kitchen Appliances?

How To Organize Kitchen Appliances?


How To Quickly Organize, Declutter, and Store Kitchen Appliances?

How you organize kitchen appliances depends on what type of cook you are.

If you're a raw food lover, your blender will be front-and-center.

Vegans will have their pressure cooker ready to use at all times and meat-eaters have their slow cooker and indoor grills on hand.

No matter what type of cook you are, there are four steps in the process:

1. Pare Down Your Appliances

2. Banish Your Never-Used Appliances

3. Donate or Recycle the Appliances You Never Use

4. Cut Cabinet Clutter

5. Move Rarely-Used Kitchen Appliances To Storage

6. Store the Appliances You Use All The Time

7. Maintain and Upgrade

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